Thursday, May 21, 2009

busy bee

it feels weird not being able to blog everyday like i normally do ): its been daaaays since my last blog. and its because I FINALLY HAVE A JOB!!! its about time cuz its been almost 2 years since my last job. im gettin paid yessssssss. so ive been doin that all day everyday. so far im lovin it. im trying to adjust to the new environment cuz walgreens is completely different from kaisers system. and not to mention im not used to being on my feet 8 hours a day. my only focus now is saving enough money to get a car & then save up money for my own place...with a little shopping on the side HAHAHA (: i did the math, i can afford a decent apartment with the money ill be making. HEYYYYYYYY! but besides work the rest of my day is dedicated to my baby boogieeeeee.isnt heeeee cuteee?! and no im not talking about dustin HAHAHA. he gets bigger everyday. the only thing that sucks is that this muther fucker is lazy. he only gets up to eat, shit...then goes back to his bed. he seriously doesnt play when i try to play with him. it gets pretty frustrating. and he knows that crying is gonna get him what he wants. spoiiillleeeed ass brat. he cries when you dont carry him...and i shit you not...he cries if your back is facing him while you sleep. ommggg i kept waking up cuz he kept crying whenever i turned the other way. same goes for dustin. its cuteeee and all but after awhile he gets annoying HAHAH. but still, i super love that baby. i cant wait for the weekend cuz lucky me, i have weekends off (: and then when i get my first paycheck...HELLLLOOOO SHOPPING!!

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