Tuesday, May 12, 2009


preeeeetttty sunset (;
sooo today was another good day (: the house was extra hectic but you get used to it after a couple hours HAHA. during lunchtime, me & marielle were starving so we walked over to the japanese restaurant down the street. it was perfect cuz we were HELLA craving for sushi & tempura but the damn restaurant was CLOSED ON TUESDAYS! out of all days to be closed!! so we ended up just eating at 88 rice bowl. after lunch we headed back home & i waited for dust to swoop me up & go to fort funston (: it was hellaaaa nice outside so i wanted to go there & watch the sunset cuz i havent done that in mooooonths! super homo but i dont care, I LOVE SUNSETS so kiss my ass. something pretty special happened, but ill let you figure it out. chances are...you'll prolly guess right ♥....NOTHING PERVERTED THO. calm down freak nastys HAHAH.so after fort funston, dust dropped me back home so he could watch his damn lakers game. when i got home benito & gen were there!! i love when they come out to kick it cuz its always ALL laughs when it comes to me & gen. "i call GENS LAP!!!!!" HAHAHA. about 30 minutes after i come home, a whole army of kids come thru the house holding hella grocery bags. turns out, theyre planning on cooking a dinner! how cute right???! and whats even cuter is that only THE BOYS were gonna cook. their rule was absolutely "no girls in the kitchen". i miss having dinner dates with friends ): nowadays all my friends need alcohol to function HAHAHA. so while the boys were cooking dinner...me, aiza, benito, gen, mary & marielle started poppin bottles! and by the time dinner was done, we were all pretty drunk & that the food extra yummier (; i was surprised cuz the chicken alfredo was sooooooo goood. like damn, these boys could cook. puts me to shame cuz i cant cook to save my life, seriously.after dinner, the house was getting a little too loud & crowded. so the drunkies decided to migrate to elephant bar & drink a little more. perfect timing cuz the lakers game was done so dustin came and met up with us there. lakers won by 40 points tho????? can you say MURDEREEEED. thanks to bennies for treating us all out to drinks. the one he made me try was actually pretty good, but at the end of the night i only got buzzed. i was so jealous cuz benito & marielle were ripped as hell HAHAHA. to the point where benito couldnt even stand up by himself!! and marielle ended up yacking as soon as she got home HAHAHA. so since they were pretty gone, we all decided to call it a night. i went with dust to his house & we bought the movie wanted on demand. throughout the whole movie all you heard from him was "oooooh shiiiit". HAHAH i knew he'd like that movie. i swear, watching this movie makes you wanna buy nerf guns or BB guns & try to curve bullets HAHAHA. after the movie i was ready to sleeeeeep. but believe it or not we didnt fall asleep till like 3 in the damn morning. besides cuddling we were reading FML stories on my ipod & laughing our asses off, then eventually KOed....

so there goes a recap of my longass, but good day (: all i gotta say is, remember this date folks (;

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