Saturday, May 16, 2009

happy birthday babyguurrl

antonio's finally 21!
damn, last night was crazy folks. ive never seen antinio soooo drunk. but hey, you only turn 21 once right? we hit up azul & vessels but basically by the time we got to vessels, the birthday boy was done for the night. his ass got kicked out the club cuz he couldnt even stand on his own anymore HHAHAH. paulo & ryan had to carry him out. but guessssssss what....someone jacked my camera. my fuckin brand new canon camera. omg i wanted to cry cuz its something i use everyday. and so now i feel naked without it. and im sad cuz i had pictures & videos of babygirl making a complete fool outta himself. DAMNNNNNNNN i want my camera :( and now i wont get to take pictures of my first day with boogie cuz im getting him today. ughhhhh perfect timing. but on a good note at least i finally get to bring boogie home.

so my pics from now on are gonna be from my ghetto ass sidekick. but hey, its better than nothing. so losing my camera made my hangover this morning super worse. but getting boogie made it all better. today was the day arnie & camille (owners of boogs parents) had to say bye bye to their favorite puppy. im just glad boogies ours cuz out of the four puppies hes the nicest & most well behaved. not to mention this fool is laaaaaazy as a mutha. so today for antonios bbq, they brought boogie with them. and i kid you not, this brat was being carried around the entire day. i only let him down once & that was so he could pee. ISNT HE FRIKKEN CUTEEE??? when i put him down he started eating the grass hahah. and he was grabbin peoples attention left & right. i wish he could stay small forever.

well it was a good weekend for antonio, cuz he got drunk AGAIN tonight. and even passed out. and stupid dustin was probably more drunk than the birthday boy cuz he passed out long before antonio did. so i left his ass there HAHAHAH. and right now i have boogie (: lucky me, he gets to spend his first night with me ONLY. i wanted him to spend it with both dustin & i, but theres no point cuz hes too drunk to function right now anyways.

so pleaaaaaaaase tell me antonios house, theres no shoes allowed right. typical filipino house rule. so out of respect i took my slippers off before going upstairs. then when it was time to leave....tell me why i couldnt find my slippers. i dont wanna jump to conclusions but i swear somebody jacked my slippers. OMGGGGGGGGG i was mad but it was hard not to laugh cuz thats hella served. that right there was a fuck my life moment. damn, somebody really stole my slippers. i tried looking for it everywhere but it was really gone. so if it wasnt for chrystal who let me borrow her socks, i woulda went home barefoot. first my my slippers. WHAT THE HELL RIGHT????? damn what a fuckin weekend. ughhhhhh fml right now. so on that note, good effin night. i hope whoever has my camera & slippers are enjoying that shit right now.

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