Sunday, June 7, 2009

back on track

jeeeeeez i miss blogging! i really need to start blogging more often like i used to. ive been stuck at work all the time ): believe it or not, i barely party nowadays! craaazy right? most of the time i just go straight home after work & knock the f* out! call me grandma i dont caaaare. well since its my dayoff i figure i should update this as usual, sundays are always a drag for me. and since dustin & i didnt have any plans we decide to wash boogies beds cuz to be honest his beds were stinkyyyy as hell. since dustins washer & dryer were too small for boogies beds, we go to the laundry mat up the street to wash them. but wonderball dustin decides he'd might as well do all his laundry so we practically had like 4 big bags of clothes/comforters to wash. great right? tell me why, some random girl came up to us to play with boogie then started telling us a random story of how her house got robbed and how they took her jewelry box. but its moded cuz it wasnt even real jewelry hahah. to be honest i wanted to laugh in her face, but that woulda been rudeeee to the max. and poor dustins pillows got ruined cuz he put it in the dryer for too long! hahahah boys are not meant to do after laundry i was hungry as hell cuz i didnt eat anything at all throughout the day. so dust & i meet up with chey & antonio. all four of us ended up at olive garden. perfect choice (: that place never seems to fail me! it was good seeing cheyzah & babygirl cuz i havent seen them in awhile. im used to seeing them all the time, but like i said...grandma status lately. so lunch was satisfying and now were back at dustins watching the lakers game. cross your fingers..hope they win!

oh & for the record....


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