Friday, June 19, 2009

spoiled brat

HAHAHA i just had to share this picture with you guys (: a normal puppy would probably jump around eating & ripping all the money. but only boogie would actually lay on it & enjoy the pleasures of being able to have money all over him. you can HELLA tell that this is definitely dustins dog.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

back on track

jeeeeeez i miss blogging! i really need to start blogging more often like i used to. ive been stuck at work all the time ): believe it or not, i barely party nowadays! craaazy right? most of the time i just go straight home after work & knock the f* out! call me grandma i dont caaaare. well since its my dayoff i figure i should update this as usual, sundays are always a drag for me. and since dustin & i didnt have any plans we decide to wash boogies beds cuz to be honest his beds were stinkyyyy as hell. since dustins washer & dryer were too small for boogies beds, we go to the laundry mat up the street to wash them. but wonderball dustin decides he'd might as well do all his laundry so we practically had like 4 big bags of clothes/comforters to wash. great right? tell me why, some random girl came up to us to play with boogie then started telling us a random story of how her house got robbed and how they took her jewelry box. but its moded cuz it wasnt even real jewelry hahah. to be honest i wanted to laugh in her face, but that woulda been rudeeee to the max. and poor dustins pillows got ruined cuz he put it in the dryer for too long! hahahah boys are not meant to do after laundry i was hungry as hell cuz i didnt eat anything at all throughout the day. so dust & i meet up with chey & antonio. all four of us ended up at olive garden. perfect choice (: that place never seems to fail me! it was good seeing cheyzah & babygirl cuz i havent seen them in awhile. im used to seeing them all the time, but like i said...grandma status lately. so lunch was satisfying and now were back at dustins watching the lakers game. cross your fingers..hope they win!

oh & for the record....


Thursday, May 21, 2009

busy bee

it feels weird not being able to blog everyday like i normally do ): its been daaaays since my last blog. and its because I FINALLY HAVE A JOB!!! its about time cuz its been almost 2 years since my last job. im gettin paid yessssssss. so ive been doin that all day everyday. so far im lovin it. im trying to adjust to the new environment cuz walgreens is completely different from kaisers system. and not to mention im not used to being on my feet 8 hours a day. my only focus now is saving enough money to get a car & then save up money for my own place...with a little shopping on the side HAHAHA (: i did the math, i can afford a decent apartment with the money ill be making. HEYYYYYYYY! but besides work the rest of my day is dedicated to my baby boogieeeeee.isnt heeeee cuteee?! and no im not talking about dustin HAHAHA. he gets bigger everyday. the only thing that sucks is that this muther fucker is lazy. he only gets up to eat, shit...then goes back to his bed. he seriously doesnt play when i try to play with him. it gets pretty frustrating. and he knows that crying is gonna get him what he wants. spoiiillleeeed ass brat. he cries when you dont carry him...and i shit you not...he cries if your back is facing him while you sleep. ommggg i kept waking up cuz he kept crying whenever i turned the other way. same goes for dustin. its cuteeee and all but after awhile he gets annoying HAHAH. but still, i super love that baby. i cant wait for the weekend cuz lucky me, i have weekends off (: and then when i get my first paycheck...HELLLLOOOO SHOPPING!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

game 7.

its a win or go homeeeee. super bored right now at the boyfriends house while hes watching the lakers game. this game is gonna determine whether hes gonna have a good day or a bad one. so just for my sake, i hope the damn lakers win. so i woke up super early today cuz baby boogie was crying. and i panicked cuz i didnt have any dog food for him yet since we just got him yesterday. so i called dustin at like 730 in the morning & thank god he was awake. i was scared his ass was still gonna be passed out cuz he was drunk as hell last night. so he picked me up & we tried giving boogie some of trixies food but boogs wasnt eating it. im guessing its cuz its dog food for adult dogs. since petsmart didnt open till 10am today i just watched the season finale of lost while dustin took a shower. and ohhhh man i wanna know what the hell happens after the bomb goes off but i guess ill have to wait for season after lost we finally headed to petsmart to buy all of boogies things. super wonderballed it there. frikken dustin wanted to buy boogie those little tower looking things & his moded ass didnt know those were for cats HAHA. we got him this cute little blue collar with dogbones all over it & a little giants nametag (: lazzzzzy ass dog. when we got back to dusts house boogie didnt even play with his new toys. he straight went to sleep on his new bed. im worried cuz he didnt eat his food. but hopefully when hes super hungry he'll eat it.

arrite so its time to watch the game, im crossing my fingers they win. ill be back up later to update.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

happy birthday babyguurrl

antonio's finally 21!
damn, last night was crazy folks. ive never seen antinio soooo drunk. but hey, you only turn 21 once right? we hit up azul & vessels but basically by the time we got to vessels, the birthday boy was done for the night. his ass got kicked out the club cuz he couldnt even stand on his own anymore HHAHAH. paulo & ryan had to carry him out. but guessssssss what....someone jacked my camera. my fuckin brand new canon camera. omg i wanted to cry cuz its something i use everyday. and so now i feel naked without it. and im sad cuz i had pictures & videos of babygirl making a complete fool outta himself. DAMNNNNNNNN i want my camera :( and now i wont get to take pictures of my first day with boogie cuz im getting him today. ughhhhh perfect timing. but on a good note at least i finally get to bring boogie home.

so my pics from now on are gonna be from my ghetto ass sidekick. but hey, its better than nothing. so losing my camera made my hangover this morning super worse. but getting boogie made it all better. today was the day arnie & camille (owners of boogs parents) had to say bye bye to their favorite puppy. im just glad boogies ours cuz out of the four puppies hes the nicest & most well behaved. not to mention this fool is laaaaaazy as a mutha. so today for antonios bbq, they brought boogie with them. and i kid you not, this brat was being carried around the entire day. i only let him down once & that was so he could pee. ISNT HE FRIKKEN CUTEEE??? when i put him down he started eating the grass hahah. and he was grabbin peoples attention left & right. i wish he could stay small forever.

well it was a good weekend for antonio, cuz he got drunk AGAIN tonight. and even passed out. and stupid dustin was probably more drunk than the birthday boy cuz he passed out long before antonio did. so i left his ass there HAHAHAH. and right now i have boogie (: lucky me, he gets to spend his first night with me ONLY. i wanted him to spend it with both dustin & i, but theres no point cuz hes too drunk to function right now anyways.

so pleaaaaaaaase tell me antonios house, theres no shoes allowed right. typical filipino house rule. so out of respect i took my slippers off before going upstairs. then when it was time to leave....tell me why i couldnt find my slippers. i dont wanna jump to conclusions but i swear somebody jacked my slippers. OMGGGGGGGGG i was mad but it was hard not to laugh cuz thats hella served. that right there was a fuck my life moment. damn, somebody really stole my slippers. i tried looking for it everywhere but it was really gone. so if it wasnt for chrystal who let me borrow her socks, i woulda went home barefoot. first my my slippers. WHAT THE HELL RIGHT????? damn what a fuckin weekend. ughhhhhh fml right now. so on that note, good effin night. i hope whoever has my camera & slippers are enjoying that shit right now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

loyal to my soil

what a sell out.
i just had to post this up!! HAHHAHA can you say loyal laker fan or what?! not only did he have a jacket & a shirt but a damn necklace too HAHAHAHA. wow right?! sorry to say but im a golden state warrior fan baby. loyaaaal to my soil all day. soo my day is completely off cuz believe it or not my ass woke up at 500 IN THE AFTERNOON. omggg i woke up thinking it was only 1 but it was frikken 5. neveeerrrr again. i blame it all on lastnight. so around 6ish, got picked up by the boyfriend & headed over to his favorite restaurant in the world, takara HAHAAH. tell me why at the restaurant he actually had the nerve to ask the waitress if they had espn so he could watch his damn lakers game. LAMMEEEEE. luckily they didnt (: cuz if they did he woulda been zoned out throughout the whole dinner. cuz whenever this fools watching a game, i kid you not....i have to constantly repeat everythinnngggg i say cuz hes not paying attention. and tell me why, i didnt finish my food so i to-goed it. but ended up leaving it there!!!! served myself cuz now im hungry. so here i am blogging while hes crying over his lakers game cuz theyre getting scraped as hell right now. HAHAHHHAA.

so the LAKERS LOST!!!!!!!! ): poor dustin. he wore his entire outfit for no reason HAHAHHA served. his plan was to drink if the lakers won, but they lost so he wants to drink even MORE. hahaha awwwww kawawa baby.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

kill me now

so im home alone & bored right now. those are basically the two worst situations to be in for me! im waiting for my best friend jan to come over cuz she wants me to go with her to check out that apartment for rent up the street, but shes taking foooorevs! so my bored ass wanted to post up my crocs just for my best friend char HAHAHAH. arent they cute bestfriend??! i cant wait to match. i think you should get yours bedazzled too!! i was reading her blog & she was talkin bout who's next to get wifed....and DUHHHH, its gonna be her (:

so lately ive been stressing off my living situation cuz the owner of my aunties house made a brand new contract & told me i wasnt part of it. so i was seriously trying to figure out where the hell im gonna live if i couldnt stay at my aunts anymore. my parents house are a dead end cuz they've already got their own problems that their dealing with right now. i mean, i told them about what was going on at my aunts & they said they'd think about it & figure something out. but i honestly dont want them stressing off this cuz they already got a lot on their hands. and there was ANOTHER OPTION, but no... i couldnt do it cuz theres no doubt in my mind that it would ruin things. i appreciate the offer soooo much. but we got a good thing going & i dont wanna risk doing anything that can ruin it. so today, i actually spoke with the owner & explained my situation & how i have a job now...i even asked if there was any way i could pay her...or even my auntie every month just to help out a little. and thankfully, SHE AGREED! my auntie said i didnt even have to pay & just focus on saving up money for my own place. but i actually want to give her a little extra every month. whether its for groceries or a phone bill or anthing. im just glad that situations figured out cuz im tirrreeeed of stressing off it. so on that note, i feel like celebrating hahhaa. lame right?

well FINALLYYYY the best friends here (: and since my cousin alex was already here, he came with jan & i to the apartment up the street. and ommmmmggg, it was nothing like i expected. it was actually pretty damn nice...more like pretty damn perfect for her. and we just asked hypothetically how much would it cost if there were two people living in the apartment & he said the rent would only go up about 50 bucks or so. i was like WHAAAAT? is that a deal or what?!! so im not gonna lie, im considering moving in with my best friend. but we'll have to wait & see how everything turns out first because shes not the only applicant for that wish us luck folks!!!
so after checking out the apartment, cousin alex drops jan off to sheryl's house & then i asked him to drop me off to dustins so that he wouldnt have to come get me later. and as we were heading to dusts, i have a heart-to-heart talk with alex...he basically gave me a new perspective on something ive thats been buggin me lately. and hes the best for that. i loveeeeee that guy. as soon as i get to dusts house, he was already waiting in his car along with may. so the three of us head over to home depot cuz dust needs to paint his room. and omggggg, we had a wonderball session. i swear this boy man, if you dont stop him he'll wander off & buy everything. may & i had to constantly remind his ass that he ONLY NEEDS paint. so he ended up choosing those three colors. and im excited to see how it'll turn out.after wonderballin at home depot for like over a damn hour...we headed back to dustins cuz he needed to run a couple errands. while waiting me & may watched 90210 but it didnt make sense to me cuz i missed like the last couple episodes. so i have to update myself on that damn show. along with heroes, lost & secret life of an american teenager. so by the time the show was done so was dustin. so we headed over to mcdonalds cuz we were staaaarving. and as usual i got my happy meal (: after we ate, we headed to mays house & my fave little bitch hazel comes out to chill with us. we were introduced to SAFARI, and lets just say my ass was eating stars HAHAHA. what a night what a night.